I've met my fair share of characters.
The sane, the working-class hero, the soldier, the communist, the successful capitalist, the politician, the racer, the story-teller, the beleaguering idiot, the traveller, the comedian, the garderner, the fisherman, the aimless wanderer, the wicked, the adventurous, the zany, the zestful, the hateful, the cynic, the pathological liar, the nihilist, the faker, the pretender, the addict, the drunkard, the nymphomaniac, the kleptomaniac, the musician, the ballet dancer, the socialite, the celebrity, the model, the lonely songwriter, the poet, the sufi, the god-fearing, the free spirited, the heartbroken, the lovesick, the photographer, the artist, the actor, the amatuer pornstar, the part-time lap dancer, the writer, the out-of-this-world insane, the nutcase, the terminally ill, the hormonally imbalanced, the suicidal, the cutter, the mentally ill, the rapist, the murderer, the unrelenting criminal, the bi-polar, the schizophrenic, the lost soul, the dreamer, the fictitious, and the rest who lie in vague spaces of my self-eviscerating memory.
Some I've brushed shoulders with, many I had drinks with. Some became friends, few I fell in love with. They come and go like seasons, like a river flowing by. Although we may not step into the same river twice, it nonetheless has an impact on us. Some affect us like a butterfly resting it's furry legs on our warm skin, some rampage our lives like a merciless storm. For better or worse, much is there to learn from friendships made and relationships lost. From people you love and hate, from friends and foes.
They have taught me many things. More than all the books in the world can ever teach me.
(11.30pm, 8th December 2007)
6:15 PM
Author: sleepwalker